Born again

Ever felt like you were born again spiritually? In the past few days, I feel as though my life has gone through a 360 degree cycle . Material things, outside influence and other distractions no longer matter or don’t have much importance to me than ever before. What’s important are those that are really there for you. Keep the people away that literally drain your energy and have bad intentions. Selfishness, greed, jealousy and evy are running amuck out there!

I am aware of all the mistakes I made in the past. Will never intentionally repeat them again. And most of all, I am still learning who I really am, which turns out to be a person I am meeting for the first time. This is truly the year of enlightenment! Are you on the same wavelength?

Life is funny sometimes

Instead of taking life seriously all the time, tilt your head back and laugh. There is no sense of order or path you must follow to make you happy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Do what makes you happy at the present moment. Listen to your heart, not what you see or hear. Usually what you see is not what you get. And remember folks, “put a smile on that face!”

To Be Grateful

I am watching a TV show called “Extreme Home Makeover”, and this particular episode is very touching. On the show, they are making a new home for a woman named Marian. Her old home was very inaccessible and restrictive for her. She is missing two legs and one hand and had difficulty maneuvering around her old house. The people on the show and her community are getting together to make her a new house. This is half the story though, her story goes beyond that. She is a single mom of four children and raised them all by herself. She put herself through school and then bought her first house. She struggled to make ends meet, paying student loans and other bills.

The reason I really find this story inspirational is because through all her difficulties, she was still persistent to go on with life. Some of us have two legs and two arms and haven’t gotten this far—or want to push on.. The next time you think you can’t go on, think of Marian.


Lately been seeing signs all around me. When I discuss something in general, a quote or word is often repeated shortly via of radio or television.  Is this a matter of coincidence or something more? Am I receiving premonitions of things to come? I ask myself, is this the only example of this occurring to me?
To be honest with myself, I know it isn’t. Are there others with the same experiences —you tell me?


When you sleep, do random images enter your mind? Do you dream of people you care about or love? Do you dream of the past? Do you dream of the future—have a premination? All these questions lead to one important question. Do your dreams really have meaning? What are your opinions on this subject?

Why are you here?

Did you ever sit down and think, why am I really here? Or do you go from day to day from home to work and think that’s all to life? I don’t think this is it–there must be more. They say life is an illusion. Do you think what you see is all you get?

Sitting here on the computer as I type this, my mind is contained in a physical body–but my mind is free to roam freely. I believe even without a body, my mind will be free to roam–but with much more freedom than before. Hmm, what do you think?


Some say the world may end in 2012

I say, it’s only the beginning

Do you see and hear the movement coming from a crowd of many?

The struggle against oppression has finally come

No matter how strong the strength of one

In the end–it’s the people who will have won